Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Wedding Roadshow

The "roadshow" might just be the number one merchandising strategy in Singapore. On weekends, they are everywhere where there is any kind of pedestrian traffic.
Sidewalks. Foyers. And of course shopping malls.
The variety of things in the "show" can be just about anything that is reasonably high end. Cell phones, digital cameras, video cameras, flat screen TVs, and credit cards are the most common we've seen. We saw a couple for toys, one for household appliances like washers, dryers, vacuum cleaners, and microwave ovens. The most fun was one for OSIM, a Japanese maker of massage chairs and other devices.
We'd pretty much concluded that roadshows were for things.
We were wrong; they are also for experiences. Even once-in-a-lifetime experiences.
Like weddings.
At Vivo City, one of the largest (and quite amazing) shopping malls, there it was: The Wedding Roadshow. Right in the middle of the mall were over a dozen vendors promoting their contribution to the wedding experience. There were honeymoon travel agents (pictured), wedding dresses, photographers, hair, makeup, and entertainment. Any they were all very busy.
Raye reminded me that there are bridal shows back home that do much the same kind of thing. While the venue was a bit peculiar perhaps, it makes a lot of sense to be where the people are. And shopping is one of the two national pastimes.

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